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What is JSON?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. In simple terms, it is a way of representing data in a structured manner using key-value pairs.

What is the history of JSON?

JSON was first introduced by Douglas Crockford in 2001 as an alternative to XML. It gained popularity due to its simplicity and ease of use. Originally designed for JavaScript, JSON quickly became widely adopted across different programming languages and platforms.

Why is JSON important to WordPress users?

JSON plays a crucial role in the WordPress ecosystem. It allows developers to exchange data between different systems or services seamlessly. With the increasing emphasis on RESTful APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in WordPress, JSON has become the preferred format for data transfer over the web.

Many popular WordPress plugins and themes also utilize JSON extensively. It enables them to fetch external data, integrate with third-party services, and enhance the overall functionality of websites powered by WordPress.

Who is JSON for?

JSON can be used by anyone working with data-driven applications or websites. Developers often employ JSON when building web APIs or handling data exchange between servers and clients.

In the context of WordPress, both developers and non-developers can benefit from understanding JSON. Developers can leverage its capabilities to create custom functionality or extend existing features within their projects. Non-developers can take advantage of plugins and themes that utilize JSON behind the scenes without necessarily having to understand its technical aspects.


Podcasts Mentioning JSON

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#117: Wed October 11, 2023

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#63: Thu July 27, 2023

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